A comprehensive strategy at European level
■Reinforcing the Stability and Growth Pact
■Automatic consequences if 3% deficit ceiling is breached
■Possible sanctions in corrective and preventive arm
■New “Fiscal Compact”
■Annual structural public deficit shall not exceed 0.5% of nominal GDP
■Rule introduced in national legal systems at constitutional (or equivalent level)
■New ”Excessive Imbalances Procedure”
■Multilateral surveillance to tackle imbalances early, sanctions possible
■“European Semester” to avoid negative spill-over effects
■National measures to foster competitiveness
■Comprehensive regulatory reform agenda for financial markets
■Implementation of Basel III
■Regulation of Rating Agencies
■New European Institutions
■Three new supervisory authorities – EBA, EIOPA, ESMA – oversee banking, insurance & securities markets
■A “European Systemic Risk Board” (ESRB) to monitor macro-economic risks
■More efficient decision-making process
■Reinforcing the Eurogroup
■Creation of Euro Area Summit
■Permanent crisis mechanism – European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
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