Andre runde i toppmøte mellom Tyskland og Kina i Beijing er nylig avsluttet. Statsminister Angela Merkel og President Wen Jiabao ble enige om mer omfattende økonomisk samarbeid deriblant tilretteleggelse for, og promotering av mer bruk av Euro og Yuan. Se pressemelding under. Kina har i de siste par år inngått en mengde bilaterale avtaler om utstrakt økonomisk samarbeid. Spesifikke Valutaavtaler med Russland, Japan, Brasil, Austalia, Tyrkia, De Forente Arabiske Emirater (UAE), og nå også Tyskland og EU er iferd med å implementeres.
Sakte men sikkert mister US dollar sin dominerende rolle i verdenshandelen og et mer fragmentert system med oppgjør i ulike valutaer og gull tar form. Store strategiske endringer i samarbeidsforholdene i verdensøkonomien er iferd med å ta form. I ly av gjeldsproblemer, pengetrykking og krisen i finansverden dannes grunnlaget for en ny verden i internasjonal handel og samarbeid.
Et nytt system med handelskreditt i ulik valuta, og bruk av gull som refferansepunkt for valutainflasjon/deflasjon vill vokse frem. Gull vil flyte i bakgrunnen som en naturlig styringsmekanisme for endelig handelsoppgjør. Gull vil således igjen danne grunnlaget for en ny epoke i verdens realøkonomiske og sosiale utvikling.
Beijing, August 30
Looking to the future of Sino-German strategic partnership
– the second round of the Sino-German government consultations
joint statement
2012 August 30, Ri,
People’s Republic of Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council and
Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany, Angela Merkel in
Beijing on August 30, 2012, co-chaired the second round of the
Sino-German government consultations. China eight ministers and five
deputy ministers, seven ministers of the German side, and two,
Secretary of State to participate in the consultations. Consultations
conducted in an atmosphere of friendship and cooperation, and
achieved important results to promote the further development of
Sino-German relations.
This year is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of
diplomatic relations between China and Germany, the two sides spoke
highly of the high level of positive development of bilateral
relations in the past 40 years, is determined to strengthen political
mutual trust, promote mutually beneficial cooperation, and further
enhance the look to the future level of strategic partnership. On ,
the two sides unanimously that the bilateral high-level exchanges and
consultations with the Government has a leading role in the future
development of bilateral relations the future will continue to be
held on a regular basis. The two sides stressed their willingness to
expand exchanges between the two governments, parliaments and people.
The two sides believe that the growing importance of the China-EU
relations. The two sides will continue to actively committed to
China-EU relations and mutually beneficial and constructive
safeguarding regional and world peace and development, and to
promote global economic stability, recovery and growth in China and
Germany have made a positive contribution. The face of global
challenges, we continue to strengthen the Sino-German cooperation in
line with the interests of both sides, will not only promote the two
countries’ respective development, but also conducive to world
peace and development.
Both sides made positive comments on the concrete results achieved
in the first round of the Sino-German government consultations in
June 2011. Electric vehicles between the two countries strategic
cooperation, sustainable development and the field of environmental
protection and comprehensive cooperation, vocational education
Cooperation (SAARC), standardization cooperation committee, held in
Germany, “Chinese Culture Year” and other projects and activities
are being implemented smoothly.
second round of consultations with the Government achievements, the political relations
1, the two sides reiterated the willing spirit of mutual respect,
equal treatment, active cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win
spirit, take care of each other’s major interests to strengthen
mutual understanding and political trust, to ensure the long-term and
stable development of bilateral relations. The German side reiterated
its adherence to the one-China policy and respects China’s
sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to support the peaceful
development of cross-strait relations.
2, the governments of the two countries exchanged views on Syria
and other regional hot issues, close communication and cooperation on
international issues. The governments of the two countries will
strengthen high-level consultations on foreign policy. Both sides
made positive comments on the foreign ministerial level strategic
dialogue outcomes agreed in October 2012 to hold the next round of
foreign ministerial level strategic dialogue. The two sides agreed to
hold consular consultations annually.
3, the two sides stressed the significance of the country under
the rule of law and protection of human rights, and is willing to
continue to hold a national dialogue of the rule of law and human
rights dialogue. The two sides will be in a new round of human rights
dialogue was held in October 2012 on the basis of mutual respect and
equal treatment.
4, the two governments welcome the work of the Sino-German
Dialogue Forum appreciation forum for the two governments to play an
important policy advisory role. The two sides welcomed to carry out
the project of the “Sino-German bridge to the future”, and
enhance the long-term contact of youth leaders and exchange.
Second, the economic relations
5, the two sides deepen communication and coordination within the
Group of Twenty, will jointly promote the reform of global economic
governance, strengthening the Group of Twenty role as the main forum
of international economic cooperation.
6, the Chinese side appreciated the role of Germany to solve the
sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone and the EU Member States to
implement large-scale stabilization measures. The German side
appreciates China’s active participation in the constructive
attitude and contribution to solve the sovereign debt crisis, and the
willingness to continue to support the European integration.
7, the two sides decided to strengthen the financial policy
dialogue and coordination to support the two countries the financial
institutions and enterprises to use renminbi and the euro in
bilateral trade and investment cooperation, actively discuss the
future of the financial sector. The two sides welcomed the German
financial institutions to invest in China’s inter-bank bond market,
promote bilateral financial institutions to issue renminbi financial
products to conduct RMB business in Germany.
8, the two sides unanimously expressed their willingness to
continue to deepen the comprehensive economic cooperation. The two
sides are committed to strict compliance with the WTO rules, the
reduction of trade barriers. The two sides will continue to promote
the completion of the Doha Round negotiations. Both sides endorsed
the proper settlement of trade disputes through cooperation, dialogue
and consultation. Germany welcomes China to take efforts for
accession to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement. The two sides
will study audit supervision of dialogue. The two governments decided
to support the Group of Twenty in Los Cabos Summit commitment will
not take any new trade and investment protectionism measures extended
to the end of 2014, and promised to recover any new protectionist
measures. The two sides in the international framework of export
credit dialogue.
9, the two sides appreciate the decades of fruitful economic
cooperation, to welcome between enterprises of the two countries to
further expand trade and two-way investment and cooperation. The two
sides will strengthen the use of the Joint Committee of the
Sino-German economic cooperation, Sino-German Forum on Economic and
Technical Cooperation, Sino-German economic policy consultations and
SME policy consultations fruitful cooperation platform.
10, they intend to establish a Sino-German Council of Economic
Advisors. Investment Cooperation Forum, held in the framework of the
Joint Commission of the Sino-German economic cooperation, the two
sides agreed to. The two sides stressed the importance of opening up
the services market. The two sides will strengthen the role of the
deepening of Sino-German economic cooperation under the Joint
Commission’s Working Group on Cooperation in the field of service.
China will promote branches in Germany to establish investment
promotion, and to consider the establishment of foreign-funded
enterprises Chamber of Commerce, on this basis, Germany welcomed and
will be actively supported.
11, the two sides emphasized the significance of real economy,
explore the establishment of advanced manufacturing dialogue. The two
sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in the Sino-German economic
and technical cooperation forum. Strengthen existing energy,
recycling economy and environmental technology, biotechnology and
pharmaceutical economic working group within the framework of the
cooperation, as well as in energy efficiency, nuclear safety, waste
management, environmental technology, recycling economy technology,
bio-and medical technology, smart grid UHV power grid and ]
cooperation in the field of new energy. The two sides will strengthen
cooperation in the framework of the Science and Technology
Cooperation Committee. The two sides support the cooperation and
exchanges between both industrial and trade association.
12, the governments of the two countries will strengthen
cooperation in the field of protection of intellectual property
rights, standardization, food safety, metrology and product quality
security success. The two sides welcomed the cooperation in the area
of ??certification.
13, the two sides will continue to expand agricultural
cooperation. Focus on promoting innovation and cooperation in the
field of modern agriculture, animal husbandry, agricultural
machinery, and methane, to promote the two countries and the world’s
food security, food safety and consumer protection.
14, the automotive industry, especially electric vehicles this
innovative areas of both countries’ economic significance. The two
sides are committed to strengthen cooperation in the field of
automotive fuel economy, including carbon dioxide emission standards.
The two countries will continue in the Sino-German electric vehicle
platform for cooperation under the framework of cooperation and
deepen the Sino-German Electric Vehicle Demonstration Program
cooperation. The two sides will discuss to continue to work together
to build the charging infrastructure and electric vehicles and smart
grid interactive demonstration projects.
15, the cooperation in the transport sector is an important part
of the partnership between the two countries. In addition to
cooperation in the field of the high-speed rail, the two sides will
strengthen cooperation in the field of railway transport. The two
sides attach importance to the development of civil aviation between
the two countries agreed to actively committed to expanding the
economic feasibility of the route. The two governments affirmed the
importance of “green logistics” in cooperation between the two
countries, and will continue the cooperation in this field has been
carried out.
16, the two governments agreed to establish renewable energy
strategic partnership, strengthen cooperation in the field of
sustainable economic, maintain exchanges and promote cooperation in
low-carbon technologies, sustainable urbanization. The two sides will
focus on deepening the low carbon eco urban areas of cooperation,
continue to promote Sino-German Ecological Park Qingdao projects. The
two sides agreed to build semiconductor lighting (LED) basic research
and technology development partnership to strengthen the laboratory
and enterprise cooperation, to promote joint research and development
17, the two sides agreed that the two governments to further
implement the memorandum of understanding on cooperation on climate
change, stressed is important in a close policy dialogue and
practical cooperation within the framework of the Sino-German climate
partnership. Climate Change Working Group will continue to countries
in addressing climate change strategies, energy efficiency, renewable
energy, carbon markets, climate change adaptation, explore the
promotion of appropriate policies for low-carbon economy and
technology, and capacity-building measures in areas such as work.
18, the two sides are particularly concerned about the cooperative
manner in order to strengthen the training, scientific research,
production and demonstration projects to deepen cooperation in the
field of building energy efficiency.
19, the two countries agreed to continue to strengthen the
Sino-German environmental partnership to promote sustainable economic
development. The cooperation, including the protection of
biodiversity, air pollution abatement, chemical management, nuclear
safety, sewage treatment, waste management, green industry,
sustainable consumption, battery recycling, environmental labeling,
green procurement and other areas, as well as the environment and
development in China cooperation under the framework of the Council
for International Cooperation. The fourth Sino-German Environment
Forum will be held in Berlin in January 2013.
20, the two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in the field of
marine geological studies and polar, and the development of
Sino-German marine and polar research Framework Programme
and other important areas of cooperation
21, two sides appreciated more than 30 years of bilateral
development assistance cooperation results will continue to carry out
development aid cooperation policy dialogue.
22, the governments of the two countries in the areas of
employment, social insurance and social welfare closer cooperation.
The two sides will strengthen cooperation in labor law, employment
information monitoring, professional skill and a dual-track system
23, the two sides agreed to strengthen health reform experience
sharing, exchanges and cooperation in disaster medicine, disease
prevention and control, training of health personnel, medical and
scientific research.
24, the two governments will continue to deepen vocational
education cooperation, welcomed the convening of the first
Sino-German Vocational Education Dialogue Forum. The two sides
support to carry out vocational education demonstration project in
Chongqing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Guangzhou and Qingdao.
25, the governments of the two countries highly appreciated the
achievements of scientific and technological innovation cooperation
than 30 years. The two sides will strengthen the use of the first
round of consultations with the Government founded Sino-German
platform for innovation, China and Germany the life science platform
for innovation, research and innovation projects “clean water”,
Sino-German Vocational Education Alliance and universities strategic
partnership mechanism and projects. Both sides are willing to
continue in the coming years to promote exchanges of students and
research staff, promote the college exemplary partnership.
26, the two governments that the great significance to promote the
long-term in-depth development of bilateral relations to deepen
dialogue and exchanges between the two sides in the media field. The
two sides support the exchange mechanism of the China-Germany Media
Forum and other media. Will continue the media dialogue carried out
by the government level, the breadth and depth of strengthening media
exchanges between the two countries.
27, the two sides decided to formulate a long-term talent exchange
program between the professional ministries.
28, the two sides agreed to deepen cultural exchanges, it was
agreed that held the “Sino-German Year of Languages ??in 2013/14.
Give full play to the experience and advantages of the various
agencies of the two countries in the relevant fields, and provide
support for the German language teaching in China and the Chinese
language teaching in Germany, in order to promote the language
related to the cultural exchange between China and Germany. The two
governments to encourage and support the government departments
responsible for youth organizations to consolidate and expand the
29, the two sides agreed to strengthen pragmatic cooperation
between cultural institutions, organizations and professionals in the
field of cultural exchange and cultural enterprises, encourage the
respective cultural center cultural and educational work, and to
continue to enhance mutual understanding and trust, in favor of and
actively promote the establishment of the German Cultural Center
(Goethe University, Shanghai Branch).
two prime ministers witnessed the signing of the
Sino-German government consultations during the government protocol
list, the People’s Republic of China’s National Development and
Reform Commission and the Federal Republic of Germany Federal
Ministry of Economics and Technology Ministry on Sino-German economic
and technological Cooperation Forum under the framework of the
biotechnology and pharmaceutical Economic Working Group to continue
its cooperation framework agreement “
Second, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
Department of the People’s Republic of China’s National
Development and Reform Commission and the Federal Republic of Germany
in the Sino-German economic and technological cooperation forum
Energy Working Group to continue under the framework of the
cooperation framework agreement “
” the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China
and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of
Germany jointly organizing the activities of the Sino-German Year of
Languages ??joint statement of intent “
four Federal Ministry of Education and Research Department of the
Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of
China and the Federal Republic of Germany, the joint statement on
cooperation in the field of semiconductor lighting technology
Fifth, “the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s
Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
joint statement on expanding cooperation in electric vehicles and
climate protection “
six,” the People’s Republic of China Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology of the Federal Republic of Germany Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety,
the Ministry of automotive fuel economy Memorandum of Understanding
for cooperation
Seven, the People’s Republic of China Human Resources and Social
Security Ministry and the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Joint Declaration “
8, the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s
Republic of China and the Federal Republic Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety joint statement
of intent on the further development of Sino-German Environmental
Partnership Action “
Nine,” the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of
China and the Federal Republic of Germany Federal Ministry of Food,
Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department biogas Memorandum of
Understanding “
ten,” the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of
China and the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Ministry of
Economics and Technology Ministry to further promote two-way
investment joint statement
eleven, “the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of
China and the Federal Republic of Germany Republic Federal Ministry
of Economics and Technology Ministry joint statement on the
establishment of Sino-German Council of Economic Advisers, “
Twelve,” the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of
China and the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Ministry of
Health on public health emergency and disaster medicine cooperation
Joint Statement
thirteen, “the State Oceanic Administration of the People’s
Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal
Ministry of Education and Research Department on strengthening
Sino-German cooperation in the field on the oceans and polar Joint
Statement” (2013-202)
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