torsdag 13. september 2012

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Det eneste sentralbankene kan er å trykke penger. I dag lanserte sentralbanken til USA the FED en ny runde med "open ended" pengetrykking for å kjøpe råtne gjeldspapirer, og lovet å holde rentene nær null til 2015. De siste tre uker har Kina, EU, og nå USA lovet å trykke mer penger, ubegrenset med penger  faktisk. Det hele er ganske tragisk, de ødelegger tilliten og kjøpekraften til all fiat valuta for å redde diverse gjeldsutsatte finansinstitusjoner fra konkurs, og finansiere statlige underskudd. I 1989 falt muren i Berlin og symboliserte kommunismen og planøkonomiens fall, i 2008 kom finanskrisen og uendelig pengetrykking som symbolet på demokratiet og kapitalismens fall. Hva kommer nå? Det er ikke godt å si, den som lever får se... Bandittenes, byråkratene og akademikernes århundre? En ny postdemokratisk verden er i emning hvor sentralbankene løsriver seg fra nasjonalstaten, trykker penger under dekke av krisepakker, og sikrer seg kontroll over brorparten av verdens gull, gjeldsobligasjoner og tilhørende eiendom. Et globalt statskupp!

A Global Hyper Inflationary Depression, a Guardian Coup D'état and The Demice of the Nation State!

Her er en skremmende kommentar fra  Zero Hedge:

"Hope you didn't put much money on that bet, Dawg. These fuckers are going to print hard enough to wake the dead. They'll print like mo'fos, print like mad men, print like fly pimps. Print until their eyes bleed.
They will print via the swaps, via bank bailouts and mergers, via fixed Treasury yields, via real honest-to-God negative interest rates, via loans to banks on no collateral, via payroll tax reductions, and in the end via actual fiat paper instruments which they might very well drop in bails from actual mutherfucking helicopters. They will not give two figs what anyone thinks. Here is why. Because this is the Goddamned end of it my friend. There is no accounting beyond this point. There will be no history of it. No one to take notes of rates of exchange, or of the graft and violence, nobody to worry about the deficit or the GDP or the national debt of any nation large or small under the blazing Goddamned sun. End. Of. It. Does anyone bitch about how Rome totally debased their coinage at the end? Hell no. But whoever did it had enough to hand and grabbed some land with a nice vineyard and sat back and waited for the Middle Ages to start 700 years further on. And that's what a singularity is about. Anything that passes through is striped of all meaning. Nothing we think is important now will remain so beyond the event horizon. Nobody will remember, nobody will write about it, nobody will be held to any standard. Ever for evar. So yeah, they'll print like the mad crazed terrorists they are. Because they have nothing to lose, and maybe something to gain. Maybe a dollar. Maybe a day. Maybe a slim chance to escape with some of the loot. Whatever the fuck advantage they see in it, for themselves and their elite crap wanking buddies, they will full-on-full-time-fucking do it to advantage. Watch for it, Dawg. It's totally on this time, on like Donkey Kong. And when the dust is settled in a generation hence it's going to have become another unbelievable episode among the ages of men."

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